
Africanis is the umbrella name for all Southern African native dogs. It refers to Africa (the continent) and Canis (dog). Over centuries they have been shaped by Africa for Africa. They are part of biodiversity and the cultural heritage of humankind. Their African heritage goes back 7000 years, the the dogs which came with Neolithic herdsmen from the Middle East, into the then dog virgin continent Africa. Today Africanis is found in the tribal areas all over the Southern African subconitnent. They should not be confused with the multitude of dogs roaming free in informal settlements and townships.

The beauty of this dog is embodied in the simplicity and functionality of its build. It is medium sized, slender build and well muscled. It is agile and supple, moves in a very natural and easy manner and can run at great speed. The dog is found in a wide range of colours, with or without markings. A ridge of varying form and length can exceptionally be seen on the back. The ears may be erect, half erect or drooping. The short double coat adapts to the seasons and can be kept shining with the minimum care.

It combines well with humans and needs space. It has a natural tendency to guard and protect. Africanis is friendly and it shows a watchful territorial behaviour and it also forms a good companion. Furthermore it displays a high survival instinct. Africans is a hardy dog with a natural resistance against disease as well as parasites.

Africanis is die versamelnaam vir alle inheemse honde in Suidelike Afrika. Dit verwys spesifiek na Afrika (kontinent) en Canis (hond). Oor die eeue is hulle deur Afrika, vir Afrika gevorm. Hulle vorm ‘n integrale deel van biodiversiteit en die kulturele erfenis van die mensdom. Hul verbindtenis met Afrika dateer so ver terug as 7000 jaar gelede, toe honde saam met Neolithic herder vanuit die Midde-Ooste die tot op daardie tydstip, hondlose Afika-kontinent binne gekom het. Vandag word Africanis dwarsoor Suidelike Afrika gevind. Hulle mag nie met die magdom honde wat vryelik in plakkerskampe en informele nedersettings ronddwaal, verwar word nie.

Die skoonheid van hierdie besondere hond lê in sy eenvoud en funksionaliteit van sy bou. Dit is van medium-grootte, skraal gebou maar goed gespierd. Dit is rats en soepel en beweeg op ‘n natuurlike en gemaklike wyse. Die Africanis kan baie vinnig hardloop en vir lang afstande volhou. Die hond word in ‘n wye verskydenheid kleure, met of sonder kolle of merke aangetref. ‘n Rif van wisselende vorm en lengte word soms op die rug aangetref. Die ore mag regop staan, half regop of dit mag ook slap hang. Die kort dubbele haarkleed pas gemaklik by die wisseling van seisoene aan en benodig die minimum sorg om mooi en blink te vertoon.

Die Africanis is mensliewend en vorm ‘n goeie bondgenoot/vriend maar dit benodig ruimte. Dit het ‘n natuurlike geneigdheid om op te pas en te beskerm. Verder is dit vriendelik en vertoon ‘n waaksame geaardheid en territoriale gedrag. Die hond het ‘n natuurlike drang om te oorleef, is gehard en toon weerstand teen siektes en parasiete.