Dit word dikwels gedefinieer as “boerderypraktyke wat die behoeftes van die hede bevredig sonder om toekostige geslagte die geleentheid te ontneem om hul behoeftes te bevredig.” Per implikasie moet toekomstige geslagte dus net soveel geleentheid gegun word om landbou te kan beoefen as wat die huidige geslagte geniet. Die soms teenstrydige behoeftes van ekonomiese, sosiale en ekologiese waardes behoort dus integreer te word.
Die beginsel van Volhoubare Landbou is op vyf beginsels (bene of pilare) gegrondves:
1. Handhawing en instandhouding van die Natuurlike Hulpbronne.
2. Handhawing en selfs verhoging van Biologiese Produktiwiteit.
3. Ekonomiese lewensvatbaarheid.
4. Sosiale aanvaarbaarheid en verantwoordbaarheid.
5. Verlaging van die vlak van Risiko ten einde sekuriteit te verhoog.
Hierdie vyf elemente word ewe belangrik geag en hierdie benadering tot die beoefening van die Landbou het ten doel om die agteruitgang van die ongewing met die sosio-ekonomiese realiteite van toekomstige voedsel en veselproduksie te versoen.
Op Krapfontein word ‘n daadwerklike poging aangewend om Volhoubaar te boer deur ‘n Holistiese benadering en ook spesifieke beginsels van Biodinamiese Boerdery toe te pas. Alle natuurlike prosesse word sover as moontlik onverstoord gelaat…in kort: “Hier word in die natuur en saam met die natuur geboer…”
Sustainable agriculture is often defined as “development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. By implication it is to leave future generations as many, if not more, opportunities to practice agriculture as what the current generation enjoys. The nature of Sustainable Agriculture is therefor to integrate the often conflicting needs of economic, social and ecological values.
The concept of Sustainable Agriculture is founded on five pillars or legs, namely:
1. Protection and maintenance of the Natural Resourses.
2. Maintanence and if possible increasing Biological Productivity.
3. Economical viability.
4. Socially acceptable and accountable.
5. Lowering the level of risk to ensure larger security.
These five elements or requirements are regarded as equally important in the approach to the practice of Sustainable Agriculture and this approach towards practicing agriculture attempts to accommodate the concern for the degradation of the environment as well as the socio economic realities of production of food and fibre.
On Krapfontein every effort is made to farm in a Sustainable manner by applying a Holistic approach as well as certain principles of Biodinamic Farming. All natural processes are left undisturbed as far as possible…in short: “Here we farm in nature and together with nature…”